Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Vacation’s Over

Hello blogosphere! I'm back from vacation, and as vacations go, parts of it were wonderful! The medical crap, not so fun, but gaming with Gravebinder, and hitting the coast for the Fourth of July were both great fun. We had some crabs, chips, and pickles on the beach with my father and his wife, and all the girls did the beachcomber thing while the two old men sat on their duffs. Now we're planning a campout with my brother up in the Jefferson wilderness somewhere… probably out by Three Fingered Jack – looking forward to fun!

My apologies for not mentioning the week of vacation, but I'll soon be back to more regular entries. I am looking forward to a few new projects – for the blog, for a few friends, and most important, for my family.

Cheers all!