Tuesday, May 1, 2007

School’s Out!

Blossom of the Sky: LittleBro (2007)

It is finished! The monograph, the thesis challenge, and the final class all are finished! The Skald is done with the master's program. This is mostly a note to say that, yes, I survived, and that I'll be spending a little more time keeping this online rag a little more up to date. I've a ton of junk in the trunk for offbeat punditry, but for now, I'm DONE!

Before I sign off for this evening, I'd like to introduce my brother and a little of his artistry. He hasn't chosen a moniker yet, so for the time being, it's LittleBro. He is one hell of a photographer and is just itching for a place to share his work. Were I a studio, I'd display his work, so the shot above is a taste of something different. Look forward to more.