Monday, June 11, 2007

Men… Bad

This is a ridiculously quick post, but I noticed another of Dr. Helen's entries on the marginalization of men…

So the "good advice" for boys has mainly to do with how to handle girls on dates and how to use a kitchen. Apparently, this reviewer's view of good advice for boys is how to turn them into girls!

This is a topic that's been thrown around on this site before, as well as a few other sites. The Coffespy had a book suggestion I think I'll check out:

For the 700th time this year, I'll recommend Throwaway Dads. Not only does it explain why children need fathers, it explains how the United States has allowed the banner of equality, not to be confused with actual equality, to overrun a man's default state and teach him he's wrong for being who he is.

I think this is a topic I'll wind up coming back to… oh… about 700 times.